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Fees and Charges

Dog Walks


1 hour (1 dog, inclusive of pick up and drop off) ~ $300

*each additional dog (up to 3 dogs from the same household) ~ $30

e.g. 3 dogs from the same household for a 1 hour walk would be $360

       2 dogs from the same household for a 1 hour walk would be $330

2 hours (1 dog, inclusive of pick up and drop off) ~ $600

*each additional dog (up to 3 dogs from the same household) ~ $30

e.g. 3 dogs from the same household for a 2 hour walk would be $660

       2 dogs from the same household for a 2 hour walk would be $630

# For multi dog walks, all dogs must be from the same household, or within close proximity for collection and be familiar with each other.

# Walking agreements must be signed by ALL owners.

# Dogs must be of similar levels of fitness and walks will depend on the weather, temperatures and are at the discretion of ACAS. Please contact Kaz to discuss 2 hour walks or multi dog walks. 

# Fees remain unchanged for Public Holidays

Cancellation and / or Reschedule

By 6am (06:00) on the same day of scheduled walk. However, 24 hours notice is preferable. 


Pet Sitting (no walking)

30 min check in - $200


All dog owners will be sent a quotation for services discussed, before service commencement.

All payments due will be required within 7 days of the date of invoice. 

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