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Snakes in Hong Kong

Snakes can be found all over Hong Kong. Some are venomous, some are poisonous and some are both! But more important is the fact that the vast majority, when given space, respect left alone, are completely harmless. 

For snake ID you can find the 'Hong Kong Snakes' page on Facebook. Here you can post a photo the snake that you see and get a timely ID on the snake. Herpetology experts are present on the page and can assist with most enquiries! 

If you get bitten by a snake, please immediately call 999 for emergency services and assistance. 

In the case your pet is bitten by a snake, please get them to the nearest vet, but preferably one of vet clinics (usually the 24 hour ones) who stock antivenom.

Hong Kong Snakes Link 

Please remember, snakes do not intentionally want to cause you harm! They are part of our ecosystem and play an important role. Most of the time, snakes want to avoid you just as much as you want to avoid them. 

Please give them respect

Please give them space

Please don't kill them

Please don't harm them

Under Hong Kong law, ALL animals are protected under Cap 169 (Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance) from actions of cruelty towards them, this includes snakes! In addition, Burmese Pythons are a specifically protected species under Cap 170 (Wild Animal Protection Ordinance). 

To get your copy of the highly recommended Hong Kong Snakes Field Guide, please follow link in the picture to the left. 

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